Peace Together Group, Maitland, FL

Peace Together Group, Maitland, FL

Peace Together Group, Maitland, FL
Robin Katz (Bereavement Counselor)

Louise Sheehy (Director)

Felt, rhread, and other materials.

The green leaf was made from an embroidered sampler that I learned to make from Palestinian Arab women when I was in Israel in June 2005. They do very elaborate pieces using this technique, and I was delighted to learn how from them. What was most impressive was that they spoke Arabic, I spoke English. We had no common language, but they were patient and taught me how to embroider using ribbon. Then, in our current group, Karen had this lovely light green silk cloth to use as a back drop for my leaf. So it all came together and this leaf is indicative of the bond between women of all backgrounds to help each other.


Posted on

January 28, 2017