Mountain Ridge Middle School, Gerrardstown, WV

Mountain Ridge Middle School, Gerrardstown, WV

Created by Mountain Ridge Middle School, Gerrardstown, WV

Art Club Artists: Mrs. Abel, Chris S., Charity L., Elyse C., Savanna M., Melody J., Amanda H., Rylee B., Layne W.

Title: Storer College: Work Conquers All

Teacher: Mrs. Abel

Theme: Education

Materials and techniques: We used drawing, painting and sewing of quilt squares.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: When looking at the issues concerning Harpers Ferry and the theme “From Shackles to Scholars,” a lot of ideas were discussed, but with the help of our Social Studies teachers we began to investigate Storer College. Storer was granted a charter by West Virginia Legislature as “an institution of learning for the education of youth, without distinction of race or color” in 1867. We wanted to create a work that celebrated the rich history of Harpers Ferry and Storer College for the 150th anniversary. We find it remarkable to have a place so important to educating people of all color at a time that was controversial here in West Virginia. Notable graduates of Storer College are: jazz legend Don Redmond, Nnamdi Azikiwe the first president of Nigeria, and Ella P. Stewart a pioneering pharmacist among others.

Springfield Middle School, Williamsport, MD

Springfield Middle School, Williamsport, MD

Created by Springfield Middle School, Williamsport, MD

Artists: Brianna, Molly, Morgan, Michael, Travis, Bryce, Seth

Title: Power

Teacher: Mrs. Rote

Theme: From shackles to scholars

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint, felt, and newspaper/magazine.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: The students that worked on this piece believe knowledge is power. The represented this by using the image of a fist which they believe is strong pushing through a book with the word hope collaged at the top. They believe this was a very strong and moving work and are happy with how it turned out.

Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Created by Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Artist: Mateo

Title: Justice for All

Teacher: Mrs. Van Horn

Theme: Equality

Materials and techniques: Mixed Media

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Created by Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Artists: Keira and Lewhat

Title: A Path of Change

Teacher: Mrs. Van Horn

Theme: Freedom

Materials and techniques: Mixed Media

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Created by Beall Elementary School, Rockville, MD

Artists: Brianna and Meilani

Title: Fly into Education

Teacher: Mrs. Van Horn

Theme: Education

Materials and techniques: Mixed Media

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.