Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Created by Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Artists: Anushka, Diya, Schwati, William, Allie, Hunter

Title: John Brown’s Goal was to End Slavery

Teacher: Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Salinas

Theme: Freedom

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint and felt.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: John Brown helped the slaves to fight for their freedom.

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Created by Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Artists: Anushka, Diya, Schwati, William, Allie, Hunter

Title: John Brown Helped the Slaves to Escape

Teacher: Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Salinas

Theme: Freedom

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint and felt.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: John Brown gave the slaves guns so they could escape and seek freedom.

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Created by Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Artists: Ava, Jazmine, Nicole, Sarah, Sitara

Title: Home Free

Teacher: Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Salinas

Theme: Equality

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint and felt.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: Now, African Americans have the freedom to do sports.

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Created by Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Artists: Quin, Hannah, Ashley, Aditi, Anika, Sophia

Title: “I have a dream” once said by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Teacher: Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Salinas

Theme: Equality

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint and felt.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Created by Legacy Elementary School, Ashburn, VA

Artists: Quin, Hannah, Ashley, Aditi, Anika, Sophia

Title: Shackles to Scholars: Once we were slaves, now we led the country.

Teacher: Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Salinas

Theme: Education

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint and felt.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: African Americans once were slaves, now one led the country. Who would have thought an African American would have served as President of the United States for two terms?