Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Created by Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Artist: Ali

Title: Mighty Pen

Teacher: Mrs. Borkholder

Theme: Freedom

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint and watercolors.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes!

About: This piece reflects the idea of the “pen is mightier than the sword.” We see symbols of slavery with the whip burns and cotton, but yet rising out of the pain is the power of the truth.

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Created by Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Artist: Vera

Title: Heart on My Sleeve

Teacher: Mrs. Borkholder

Theme: Humanity

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: This piece about the beauty, depth and connectedness of humans to others and the world surrounding them.

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Created by Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Artist: Kadyn

Title: Rise to Power

Teacher: Mrs. Borkholder

Theme: Freedom

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: I chose this theme because I wanted to show we became as we are today.

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Created by Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Artist: Julia

Title: Knowledge is Power

Teacher: Mrs. Borkholder

Theme: Education

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: This piece is about the importance of education. Knowledge can set us free.

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Created by Washington High School, Charles Town, WV

Artist: Tyler

Title: Who Am I?

Teacher: Mrs. Borkholder

Theme: Education

Materials and techniques: Acrylic paint.

Did you enjoy this project? Yes.

About: This artwork is about all of the possibilities and different backgrounds that people have. Our life experiences shape the person that we become. We are a blank slate.