Marie McGinnis, Tully, N.Y.

Marie McGinnis, Tully, N.Y.

Marie McGinnis, Tully, N.Y.
End Of The Line
Acrylic yarn; crocheted.
When I first read about this project, I thought of the lines from a dong “Tis a gift to be sinple, Tis a gift to be free”. This panel was inspired by Amish quilt patterns. I’m not sure if the red in the middle represents the light at the end of the tunnel if we change our dependence on oil. Or if it is the fiery abyss into which we fall if we don’t.

Martha K. Grant, Boerne, TX

Martha K. Grant, Boerne, TX

Martha K. Grant, Boerne, TX
“If Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy”
Commercial cotton fabric quilted, beaded, embellished, screen printed, and glittered.

Malcolm Cruickshank, Edinburgh, Scotland

Malcolm Cruickshank, Edinburgh, Scotland

Malcolm Cruickshank, Edinburgh, Scotland
My fabric square is based on a 3x3′ square of car upholstery fabric. Onto this I ironed plastic shopping bags. All these rely on and are based on oil. Plastic bags are a hot topic of debate in the UK at the moment and the car upholstery fabric represents the automotive industry as a whole. Malcolm is a textile artist based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He often works with discarded materials and is a maker on where further information is available.

Lois Fusco, Boca Raton, FL

Lois Fusco, Boca Raton, FL

Lois Fusco, Boca Raton, FL
Left Overs
Single crochet stitch. I used yarn of all different weights that I had around the house. I must admit this isn’t the prettiest but I got lots of practice.